CCNA Chapter 1

OSI 7 layer model


File, Print, database, apps,web


Encryption, compression, translations, ebdic etc.


Dialog control - nfs, sql, rpc , Connection establishment, data transfer, connection release


End to end connection, Flow control, Data integrity, Retransmissions
Segments re-ordered before delivery, Make / tear down virtual circuits


Routing , Map of network (logical)

Data Link

Ensures messages delivered to correct device
MAC - Media Access Control
Framing with header & trailer.  contains MAC address of source & destination
Media Access - method of communicating with Physical medium
Logical Topology - eg Star shaped "ring" in TR
error detection
LLC - Logical Link Control
Flow control with stop/start codes
error correction
Destination Service Access Point (DSAP) and Source SAP allow upper-layers to work over different LANs by providing comms between Network & data/physical layers regardless of physical/logical actually used


Physical topology
DTE - Data terminal equipment = router etc.
DCE - Data circuit terminating equipment @ service provider
DTE connects through modem or Channel / data service unit (C/DSU)
Connection oriented / Connectionless
Not guarenteed delivery
IP.  TCP adds flow control & reliability at Transport layer
Connection oriented
Uses a virtual cicuit
Still not guarenteed but has flow control, relability, error checking
Data link addresses / network addresses
Data link = hardware = mac address
Network address = logical = IP or IPX address = Network layer
internetworks created with routers from logical addresses
Router places packet in frame with dest. mac address or next hop



Reasons for layered model

Divides complexity into sections
Uses standard interfaces to ease interoperability
Developers can change one layers features without others
It allows specialisation
Eases troubleshooting
5 conversion steps of data encapsulation
Each layer encapsulates layer above until full packet formed
Application produces data
Presentation encodes it
Session layer syncs the session with remote
Transport layer transports to remote host using: : Segment
Network layer to add routing info. : Packet / datagram
Data link layer frames packet : Frame
Physical puts the bits on the medium

Flow control /Buffering

Packets Q up in router buffers awaiting data link layer
Packets lost if buffer overflows
Source-Quench messages
Help prevent buffer overflow
Asks source to slow down
Receiving packets, gets too many so starts discarding.
Each time segment dropped send source quench message
source receives source-quench message and slows down sending until it no longer receives them then starts increasing speed until it gets them again.


Destination ack's every n segments having agreed a window of n
Sourcesends 3 packets
Dest. received 3 packets, sends ack.
source recvs ack so sends 3 more segments
if source does not get ack it sends 3 packets again after a timeout, sending at a slower rate.
Internetworking functions of OSI model

Packets, frames, routing


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